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Sunday, December 19, 2010


The Kingdom of Heaven is for the Shepherd who has planted good seeds in the land that our CREATOR has blessed him with. On the night the LAW of our CREATOR was broken, The DIVIDER and his flock corrupted the Holy Field with bad seeds and into the shadows they vanished, It came to be that the night turned to day and the seeds sprang up and brought forth fruit, the Shepherds only son saw the fruit on his fathers field and consumed the fruit born of the bad seed and died, when the Shepherds servants witneesed what had taken place they informed the Shepherd and said 'Your enemy has done this.' "The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and rip the bad tree and its poison fruit from the field?' "But the Shepherd said, 'No, for if the evil tree is uproot now the good tree will be damaged, I will allow them both to grow together until the harvest, The Shepherd said onto his servants "educate your children of which fruit is good and which one will cause death and in the harvest time I will tell the reapers, "First, gather up the bad fruit trees, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the seeds of the good tree and keep them safe in my barn." after the harvest our CREATOR blessed the Shepherd with another son and said to him "many servants will come to the gates of your field, but few will be allowed to enter."

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