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Monday, August 1, 2011

Arcturus - The message of the indigo child

ARCTURIANS: Multidimentional beings in the vicinity of the Star Arcturus. The guardians of Humanity and responsible for seeding humanoid life throughout the galaxy. They are great healers and spiritual teachers. The Arcturians originated in a blue planet orbiting the star Arcturus. It is known that the "handle" of the big dipper points to the bright star Arcturus.

Arcturians are very advanced inter-dimensional beings. They inspire our minds telepathically to give us an idea of what our future (destiny) will be like. To us, they serve as spiritual, mental, and emotional healers.  They believe love is the primary element of life. Their ships are are known to be the most advanced in this part of the known universe. We have not been attacked by other life forms on Earth, because most civilizations fear them due to their highly advanced technology. The Arcturian civilizations are governed by ‘elders’ who are the wisest. Arcturians range from 3 to 9 feet tall and are generally slim. The Arcturians skin color can range from a light blue to dark green hue with extremely pronounced, almond shaped eyes. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are highly telepathic. They have eyes but rarely use them, as they prefer to see telepathically. They can live to the age of 2000 Earth years. They age very slowly and due to their technology, they do not fall prey to illnesses. All past illnesses suffered by the arcturians have long since been eradicated. In the Arcturian civilizations, professions and life’s paths are chosen by one’s spirituality level. Arcturus evolution is based on teachings of spirituality, and thus as one evolves, one becomes more spiritual. They are known to require very little sleep. They constantly seek knowledge and use the energies gained as a new source of vital energy. They have always visited and dwelled on Earth on various missions, the most recent, to educate humanity to new technologies and awareness of higher cosmic laws. 

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